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Saturday, 13 July 2019

Thor mod with power (GTA 5)


Menu Toggle = F10
Pick Up Vehicles = E
Instant Buff = R
Aim = Right Mouse Button
Attack = Left Mouse Button
Hover = C
Hover - Increase/Decrease Altitude = Ctrl + W or S
Fly = Shift + Spacebar
Increase Speed = Shift
Decrease Speed = S
Arial Melee = Left Mouse Button
Airdash = Hold any direction and press Jump while in the air.
Double jump = Press Jump while in the air without holding any direction.
Combat Rolls = Right Mouse Button + Direction + Spacebar
Move Select = T
Storm Of Asgard = Right Mouse Button + Left Mouse Button (Hold LMB for more charge, and/or RMB for slow motion)
God Blast = Right Mouse Button + Left Mouse Button
Lightning Strike = Right Mouse Button + Left Mouse Button
Mjolnir Throw = Right Mouse Button + X
Call Back Mjolnir (Hold) = R
Bifrost Teleport = Right Mouse Button + R
Quick Teleport = Q
Odin Force = R while charging when meeting the correct requirements.


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